Setor imobiliário Factors that directly influence the valuation of your property Learn about the main factors that directly influence the valuation of your property. 02 Aug 2023 min de leitura The main factors that directly influence the valuation of your property When we think about placing a house for sale, the asking price is one of the first questions that arise. There is a tendency to analyse what is happening in the market, but there are other factors that also greatly influence the asking price. Location This is the factor that most influences the value of a property. When a potential buyer visits a house, he imagines its daily routine there, so if the property is located in a central area, which facilitates the access to the basic services he needs in its daily life, if it has good access to another locations, if it’s a quiet and safe area, etc. If these and other location related aspects fulfil its needs, you´ve already “earned points!” Number of bedrooms Normally the larger the number of rooms, the more valuable the property can be. Outdoor space If the existence of a garden/patio has always been a strong point of a property, after the pandemic period (Covid 19), people started to value houses with outdoor space even more. Market The price fluctuations we have seen influence the value attributed to a property. That is why the house you bought ten years ago will have a superior valuation today (if the house is in good condition and well maintained). Improvements Remodelling, high quality finishes, insulations, recent painting, among others, these are some examples of the conservation of a house that offer more comfort and quality, adding value to the property. These are just the main points that help us to define the value of a house. At Homaze we analyse properties individually through these and other factors so that the price is the fairest and adapted to reality. Contact us without obligation and we will make an assessment of your property! Setor imobiliário Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopiar link Link copiado